I just wanted to do a little throwback (even though it's not Thurs) to November and share Jason's 1st birthday. I apologize for the delay.
I am more of small-intimate-personal celebration but since Benjamin had a 1st birthday party, I thought it was only fair. Plus first birthdays are a pretty big deal in this family! So...for Jason's party we went with a lumberjack because he is a tough little man.
I created the invitation first (of course) and we centered all the decorations around that. My friend Yenni, from
The Pink Door Decor, help set up my vision AND she made the amazing cake with a little surprise on the inside. It was delicious! So onward with the millions of photos...

Yenni also made these cupcakes and the toppers!

The surprise inside

Little favors

My dad :)
Ruben didn't get the memo in time! LOL
We had a great time and Jason had a great time.
He didn't cry and was happy through out the whole party.
I can't believe how fast his first year went by!
Cuteness overload. He's adorbs!
He's so cute. Cuteness overload.
lookin so adorable...
CBD Oils
Hey, Jason’s first birthday looks so much fun. From the kids to the adults, everyone seems to have a brilliant time in this bash. I am fond of food and sparkling decorations and you know what, my mom hosted a surprise sparkle themed sweet 16th birthday bash for me at one of the rooftop New York venues.
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