Long time no talk. Life has sure changed since the last time I posted something. The last time I posted was about Jason's first birthday. I posted that way back in February, soooooo I am thinking we need to have a little update post(s).
Let's start with Benjamin,

My boy is five now. He is almost done his first year of school EVER! Can you believe? Just yesterday I was dropping him off for his first day of school, and walking away with such a heavy heart. Let me tell ya, it never goes away. You get used to dropping them off, but when I see him walk into the school my heart is once again heavy. I assume it will always be this way, and I will just have to endure it. Just like every other parent has had to. All you can do is pray!
I have attended my first parent-teacher conference. You know how they say the way to make a person feel good, is to compliment their child? Well I have never left a place feeling so proud. The teacher raved about how MY SON, was such a compassionate person, and how he was aware of other people’s feelings. She told me about the time where Benjamin had a “grand idea”, and it was to build a pretend living room station, where all the kids could go “watch TV” and eat their snacks, AND how he formulated a plan and got all the children involved to accomplish his vision. You “He’s a natural leader” she said, as I fanned my peacock tail. It was only for a mere moment though, because I quickly was remind that child in not my own, but belongs to God. So as I returned to my vehicle my eyes filled with tears as I thanked God for my amazing child.

Benji is a great big brother. This title includes; looking out for his little brother, holding hands with him to ensure there are no runaways, watching your iPad together, sharing your snack and fighting over anything. Yes they fight, they cry and mom has to be the mediator. Just the other day I made them hug it out and they both cried. It was quite comical, but I maintained my I-mean-business face. I mean, they shouldn’t fight, but that’s what a healthy sibling relationship requires. If you have never fought with your siblings… well you might have unresolved issues. Lol. OH in case you are wondering, YES the one year old is quite the defender.
How much my boy has grown! Facebook reminds me of that almost every day. I always go on there just to see what memories will pop up and almost every day, it is baby Benji 5 YEARS AGO! Incredible. Tear. BUT what really did it, was when my brother in law sent me a video he found of Baby Benjamin who didn’t even know how to talk yet. I cried. Apparently the more your kids grow, the more you cry. Truth. I cry all the time, and there are no holding back these floodgates. ha!

Aw Benji!!!!!!!! So cute. Time flies!!!
So cute
He's the bestest child!
This was so sweet to read! I got teary too! Benji is one of a kind and he has a warm heart! Tia Ray Loves you Benji! It's crazy how Time flies! May God bless your precious family always! Xoxo
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