I am thankful. I am thankful for all the wonderful blessings that God has bestowed upon me. A wonderful husband. A marvelous little boy. Two of the best families united by marriage, and getting bigger as the years go by. A Holy spirit filled, sanctified, worshiping, Jesus Name church. I am thankful for that great salvation that was obtained through the sacrifice that Jesus made.
I am Honored. A girl who was so quiet that people thought she was mute. Yes that was me. What God saw in me then? I will never know but, I do know that he saw something in me that nobody else did. Now here I am. honored. Honored that he chose me to carry the torch. I am Honored to know that He lives inside of me, and that I am chosen to Reflect his Glory.
That is just how I feel. Thankful and Honored.
Thanks Jaz for styling and photographing. Luv ya sis!