Did you know that the first day of Autumn is two days from now. Summer is officially over, can you believe it? I can't say I'm too sad about it, though. I am looking forward to the cooler weather and all the greatness that comes with the fall season, because this summer was HOT. (Can I get an amen?) AND in honor of it's end, here is some un-posted summer photos and stories.
Let's start...
Basically our summer always starts with General Convention. It's the ultimate sign of the begginning of summer. Kids are out of school, thunderstorms are a reg, and the temperature is getting warmer. This year it was in Mississauga, and I love when it's there because of one reason: PANERAS! When I lived in the states I was a reg customer of this amazing cafe, but here in Canada it's not as common as it should be. In my opinion, there should be one in my parking lot. So...basically on this convention weekend we went to Panera's like everyday.
On a spiritual note, Convention this year was AMAZING! There literally are no words to describe the presence of God in that place. All I can say is to see the congregation worshiping in it's entirety was a beautiful overwhelming thing!

One day my little Benjamin approached me requesting a picnic. Honestly, at first I was like who,what, where, when, why, and how... BUT thanks to the great invention of Pinterest I got some ideas and we made this dream a reality. We headed to a park and had a a little picnic. It was a little chilly, so we had the whole park to ourselves. We ate, played, read, and It was amazing!

We also had our annual soccer tournament. Our church came together with the other church in our city to form one team. It was great because we won 2nd place, and winning is always great! So YAY TO US!

However, One of my ultimate favorite trips this summer was to my mom's. My husband had to attend Youth Camp this year because he was voted in as District Youth President. (surprise!) I did not go because I am pregnant and uncomfortable, but I didn't want to stay alone with Benji at home. We decided that it was best that I stayed with my mom for the weekend. I drove up there, and I am so happy I did. We had the best weekend.
The day I got there my dad had cooked me lunch. I was in shock because I had no idea my dad could cook so good! My dad had a great time with Benji, He even walked with Benji to the park to give me some rest time. Later that same day my brother-in-law made a delish Shepherd's pie. (it was like men's cooking day or something) and then my sisters and I went out for starbucks, of course. We need that sister time!
The next day we woke up early because we had planned the ultimate day off. We explored a new donut shop and cafe, went to the beach, saw the Niagara Falls, explored the Bird Sanctuary, and went back home and put together a puzzle of 500 pieces that took us about 3 hours. It was great. We were so exhausted by the end, but it was totally worth it.
On Sunday we took it easy and my mom cooked for us before we left, and It was delicious, as it always is. I must say, it was quite a fun weekend!

Remember my
baby shower?? Well it took place on my sister's birthday. I felt pretty bad about that but I couldn't change it because of two reasons: I wasn't planning it and Yenni couldn't another day.
I decided in my heart that I would make it up to Mary because she was such a good sport about it. So I invited her over for brunch and did a little something for her. She was happy, and this made me happy and there happiness all around!

On another day, I got an unplanned, surprise visit from my friend Sarah, and Ruth (SIL) on a random day. Aren't those visit's just awesome though? We took the kiddo's to the splash pad and then went to Uptown Waterloo to explore. Sarah's kids and Benji are so close in age but they have always been so shy around each other, but on this day they became the bestest friends of life, and we now feel like the most accomplished mother's in the world! T
hese and
these photos also happened on that day.

Lastly, We ended our summer in the best way possible. On the last legit hot day of summer we took our last trip the beach. My sister's and cousin
Ray, came down, the temperature was amazing, the food was delicious, we spent so much time in the water that we came out "pruny", and ended our day with ice cream! It was the best way to say "See you next summer" to our favorite beach of all time.

That's not all
THIS, and
THIS also happened too!
Overall, I had a great summer (besides those pregnancy hot flashes that had me showering constantly in desperation for relief) I am pretty satisfied and I would like to Thank God for a great summer!!
To summer I say "Good Bye see you next year with a new addition in my family!"