Today we woke up extremely early... Like 3 am.
It might be because we went to sleep early yesterday.
This is caused by lack of sleep in previous days.

3:00 A. M! You realize you are wide awake, and can no longer sleep.
3:15 You decide to get up, and go about your routine (Shower, brush your teeth..etc.)
3:15 Your dogs wonder what's going on.
3:45 You have your time with God. I mean if you are wide awake at 3...then it's for a reason. Prayer time.
4:45 Get and fold Laundry.
5:00 you realize your starving and decide on breakfast at McDonalds. So you get ready.
6:00 Go home.
6:10 Movie time. (Can you believe hubby's never seen Rush Hour?)
7:30 check your socials (blogs, Email, Facebook, twitter, tumblr...etc)
8:00 write in "mommy to be" Journal. (a gift from my sister in law & mother in law)
8:30 do your chores.
9:30 um...What do we do....
9:35 fall Asleep.
Basically.. it's better to not wake up that early.
On the plus side.. you do so much more. :)
Thats really early.Lol.
Good to know though
3am? really? wow.. I could never do that.
wow... now thats your pics.
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